Welcome to the club!

Thank you for joining!

You’re now part of an elite group of highly trained plant experts, your training materials will be sent to your billing address shortly – so get ready to study …

😛   ~Just kidding!~  😛

We’re not that stuffy. This club is a community of fruit enthusiasts, growers, and groupies who like to have fun!

We get together to share fruit, share ideas, and learn – about everything, and so thrilled you decided to join us. Thank you for your membership, your annual dues help us keep this non-profit alive.

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What to expect?


Membership entitles you access to a video library of our previous meetings; invitation to our upcoming meetings, events, and field trips; and periodically sent members-only newsletters.

We’re a team of volunteers, so we also encourage our members to lend a hand whenever possible. Helping out at an event, like the Coral Gables Farmers Market, really helps us keep costs down, raise money, and make our program calendar possible. But mostly, we help each other out by lending our personal plant experiences to members with questions, or in the form of donated articles, recipes, and pictures.

Volunteering is part of what brings us together as a community, and is a great way to get to know other members.

Final note – your membership auto renews on your anniversary, so keep an eye out for that charge from PayPal next year. While you can cancel at any time to prevent that charge, we hope you enjoy this club and remain a member for many years to come.

Welcome to the club! 🙂